Big Ben! Isn't it great! The first days, from Wednesday to Friday we lived at the Indian YMCA in Central London. We were taken hand of by the CMS (Church Mission Society) witch had some cultural briefing with us. They taught us english table manners and other usefull things you need to survive in this city. No, I'm just kidding, we learnt a lot of things and they also showed us around town and in the Tube system. It was a really good start of wht will be a fantastic year!

Isn't it beautiful? We found this at Covent Garden. We were really spellbound by all the lights and the wounderfull music, maybe that explains the next picture, hehe:)

This is Vidar and Torgeir, they just had to go for a ride.

London by night. Since it's the first time for me to visit this big city, the red busses made an impression. When I think of London I think of red busses, so i just had to take some pictires of them.

Finally, this is me and Vidar sitting on the top and in the front of a red bus for the first time, cool? Yes, it was for us!
TORGEIR!!!???!! You never told med he was gonna join your team in London!! We went at dr.borg together!! give him a big hug from me!
Ser ut som dere koser dere toppen!! Jeg har aldri vært i London (og forresten ikke Storbritannia i det hele tatt), men jeg får kjempelyst etter de bildene der! Hvordan fungerer det - skal dere være utplassert i menigheter to og to sammen? Eller hele teamet i en menighet? Ehm.. er det i det hele tatt menighetsarbeid dere skal være med i? hehe Jeg har jo null peil! Håper du kan utdype litt for meg ;) Leser forresten i avisen i dag at Norwegiaen skal begynne å fly fra Kristiansand til London. Kanskje det kan bli en billig London-tur i løpet av året da(?) Hmm Hadde jo gjort seg!! Lykke til videre, Kristin!! Gud velsigne hele gjengen!
hallo søs det er såå gøy å følge med deg igjen. og skjønner at du har det helt topp. kos deg videre så snakkes vi kjempegla i deg søs
kjekt å sjå at du kose deg i London:-) Ser ud så dokke blir en fine gjeng så ska ha masse gøy i lag d nesta åre!!
klemmmm fra Anne-Lise
torgeir er kompisen til kristine (: de gikk på dr.borg sammen, og på fjellhaug også, tror jeg.
HELDIGE DU SOM ER I LONDON! jeg vil også! det skal jeg jo etter hvert, og, men det er lenge til ):
jeg fryser, jeg. norge er kaldt.
savner deg!!
Hey you! I thought I'd found the wrong site for a moment, looked all diffrent; the black theme-thing is mine y'know... Anyway, just thought I'd put down a few words before I get attacked by the rest of the family - we all know what day it is, don't we??? ;-) They're right around the corner, and I think it's gonna be loud... Great to see you're in place and doing good, although it is the completely wrong place - way too far from us! Gotta run! *hug*
Gøy å følge med på det som skjer Kristin, så bra at du oppdaterer så masse!!
Lykke til framover, Solvor og eg har deg og teamet i bønnekrukka vår :D
Gud velsigne deg!
Klem frå Siri
Hello everyone! Wow, i could hardly believe my eyes when i saw all the comments! Thanks a lot! Since there's so many people reading, i better continue. I'll give you some more today, cheers! (Det betyr takk her borte, moro, hihi!)
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