Long time no see:)
Yes, i'm SORRY!!! Where have i been, what have i done? Well, well, let's move on, hehe! It's not that things don't happen in my life, it's just that i don't have time to tell:)
Let me share some of the things that have happened that people might not know;
- I have moved! Yes, it's been over a month now, and i LOVE it! It's a fantastic family of four + me, i have a jolly good time with them.
- My friend Martha came to visit, i have to show you some photos of that. THANKS for coming my dear!!
- I've got a summer job, yes, back in the factory driving the lovely road sweeper (feiebil).
- I've been to Norway! Came back on Tuesday. Went back for my mum's birthday, and she didn't know about it. Is was very successful:)
- I have applied for school next year! Kristiansand, here i come! And poor Torunn, she's gonna share her flat with me, hihi! Looking forward to it babe!
- I've followed the crowd and joined "Facebook" like everyone else, i don't like admitting it, but it's wicked!
I can't promise new pics soon, but i'm hoping!
(and no, i'm not keeping it white, it's just that the black is a bit depressing, don't you think?)
Koselig å prates kjære Kristin!
Ønsker deg en fortsatt god påske!!! Stor klem fra ei i Ål:)
Hei min kjaere!!! Ja, det var stas! Savner deg! Vi sees nok snart igjen, God Paaske til deg ogsaa:)
Har saa lyst til aa dra paa tsena asabotsy med deg!!!! klemmm
I think it's cool that you use the term "jolly good". Haven't seen that one for a while...
Hehe, i must say i find it funny when thay say it:)
Oh, you are so correct about the visit being a success!! I got word from home that you’d found your way back in one piece, thankfully. And it was fantastic seeing you again, as always too long in between them hugs *sniff*
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