Then again, after the decision, i started having doubts.. Should i really give up blogging? It is a great way of sharing thoughts, memories and keeping people up to date, if they want to know.. No, it`s not an easy decision!
While pondering about this, i can announce that i am HOME! I returned on the 20th of june, it was a day of joy:) The last month in London was sad, since i knew i was leaving a buch of jolly good people, but i was ready to move on and do something new. I can`t see myself staying three years in Kristiansand after all this travelling, but i`ll give it a go. I sound old when saying this, but i`d like to settele down for a while.
Anyway, after a few days of doing nothing exept enjoying having the house to myself, i went back to my summerjob. I`m back in the road sweeper. It`s an ok job, and it brings in the doh!

So, life or death? Should i keep blogging, or is it about time i save people from my horrible journalism? I might listen to you, or not:)
Hey you!!!
Keep up the good work Kristiin, you can't stop now!
Ikke gi deg! NEI! Du kan simpelthen ikke. Det er så koselig å lese på bloggen din også er du så flink til å ta bilder:)
Sjå det, folk lese jo! bi jo heilt rørt! svane dæ tuppemor:)
eg syns absolutt du skal fortsette!! basta-bom!
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