It's the third of february, and it's been months since my last little article. But that was a choice i made because the world was spinning so fast i had to focus on holding on tight! It all went allright, and i'm now a lot more chilled and have decided to keep on writing. This is more of an egotrip than keeping people up to date, i just feel like writing. I don't even know if anyone checks this blog anymore:)
I've beem thinking a lot about the future these days, and that's because i really don't know what to do with myself. I don't have a goal, exept heaven though. Around me lots of my friends are graduating, getting married, having children and blahblahblah.. The thing is, i don't even know what to study!! But when this dark cloud of depressive thoughts start covering me, i always end up thinking that i'm really content with my life so far, and the cloud reveals the sun:)
Recently I moved back with my parents (a HUGE step), i've finised 30 points of Communication and Worldview studies which was fantastic and i've just come back from a month of backpacking in South America!! Yeah, i'm happy! I've also lived in two other countries since my a-levels/high school graduation. It would be quite boring if i had already figured out everything already though, it's important to add some exitement.
My plan now is to get an occupation, "become something". It has to be a "people" thing, where i can chat, help and at least sometimes feel that i make a difference for someone. So, even though i was sure i was gonna do a socialworkerish thing, i'm now back on the nurse thing (that was my old plan, two years ago). But, i really don't have to decide yet:)
I know some people hate long articles, and say that a blog is not a diary, but i don't care! This is MY blog and i can do whatever i want, HAHAHA!!!
Oh, by the way, i don't have a camera, but will try to borrow my dad's:)