It's the third of february, and it's been months since my last little article. But that was a choice i made because the world was spinning so fast i had to focus on holding on tight! It all went allright, and i'm now a lot more chilled and have decided to keep on writing. This is more of an egotrip than keeping people up to date, i just feel like writing. I don't even know if anyone checks this blog anymore:)
I've beem thinking a lot about the future these days, and that's because i really don't know what to do with myself. I don't have a goal, exept heaven though. Around me lots of my friends are graduating, getting married, having children and blahblahblah.. The thing is, i don't even know what to study!! But when this dark cloud of depressive thoughts start covering me, i always end up thinking that i'm really content with my life so far, and the cloud reveals the sun:)
Recently I moved back with my parents (a HUGE step), i've finised 30 points of Communication and Worldview studies which was fantastic and i've just come back from a month of backpacking in South America!! Yeah, i'm happy! I've also lived in two other countries since my a-levels/high school graduation. It would be quite boring if i had already figured out everything already though, it's important to add some exitement.
My plan now is to get an occupation, "become something". It has to be a "people" thing, where i can chat, help and at least sometimes feel that i make a difference for someone. So, even though i was sure i was gonna do a socialworkerish thing, i'm now back on the nurse thing (that was my old plan, two years ago). But, i really don't have to decide yet:)
I know some people hate long articles, and say that a blog is not a diary, but i don't care! This is MY blog and i can do whatever i want, HAHAHA!!!
Oh, by the way, i don't have a camera, but will try to borrow my dad's:)
Jahhhda, jahhda Kristiiin min!
Så flott å sjå at du har satt deg ned ved datamaskinen og skrevet eit flotte innlegg, ja flotte va det, jahhda! Det har vore eit tema på lønnkammerset mitt dei siste vekene og nå har du gjett meg bønesvar, ser du!
Nei, huff! Skal kanskje ikke tulle med sånn, men du får visst frem den verste humoren i meg! Du e jammen ikkje goe! Da er vi kanskje to??
Fortsett med å legge ut blogginnlegg! That´s lovely! Savner ryfylking-perfekt-brtitisk-engelsk-Kristiiin! Digge deg!
Stor klem fra La chica grande y blanca
Heisan Kristiiin. Alt for lenge siden nå. Det viktigste er ikke hvor ofte du blogger, men at man alikevel av og til kan følge med på det du gjør! Kan tenke meg det var et stort steg å flytte hjem. Måtte gjøre deg samme selv her før jul, og nå har jeg bodd hjemme i 2mnd. Flytter heldigvis inn i leiligheten min neste helg. Har du noen gang tenkt på vernepleier? En god kombinasjon av sykepleier og sosionom:)
You won't bolive: I am writing this comment from Sidney. How exchiting!!! But anyway need to go back on duty in couple hours time what is not so much exchiting. I like your new updated look of blog, you need to teach me how to do that. And it's good that you keep us updated with your life because it seems it change quickly. It is good when things are happening! Lot love
Forget to sighn Rada:))
Hallooo!Konge at du starter opp bloggen igjen! Du kan bli med meg til oslo neste år. ja, god idé!
ellers, 7-8 mars? jeg er klar
Konge at du hasr begynt å blogge igjen!! Hadde nesten gitt deg opp ;)
Godt å lese at jeg ikke er den eneste som ikke har fremtiden klart for meg!
- og jeg er helt enig i at vi kan gjøre hva vi vil på våre blogger!!!
vi snakkes
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