It wasn't just the wedding that was great about this going to Norway thing, it was all about the people! This fabulous picture is me and Karianne. We were in Madgascar together in the autumn last year. She practically lived in my flat for the entire time she was there, about four months. We had a great time together, and it was so much fun meeting her again. I spent one night at her place, since we went together to the wedding, thanks Karianne!

This is Toky and Kristin. Kristin was a volunteer at Madgascar the year before me and Sindre. She didn't just fell in love with the country, hehe:) She and Toky has been a couple for about a year and a half now, maybe a bit more, they're so qute! Toky is in Norway this year, at Birkeland Folehoeyskole (s school). I went on a surprise visit to him right before going to England, he's so cool. We spent some time together at Madgascar since he was the pianist in the choir.
Toky had a special present for Elin and Sindre, he had written a song wich he playes performed on the party. That is what io call a nice gift. After that we, meaning the youth that have been to Madgascar, got up and sang two Malagasy songs. Sindre on piano and Toky on drums, we really rocked the place, hehe!

I also met some people i hadn't planned on meeting, wich made it even better! These lovely girls are Svanhild (sitting) and Elli. They've lived at Madagascar for two years. It was great meeting them again, i really feel that they're my little sisters. I miss hanging out with them. I met two other families as well that i met in Mada, it was fantastic meeting all those people again!
AE savne daakke alle!!
Det er over mellom Toky og Kristin.
Visste du det?
Det er så synd!! De var jo så skjønne sammen!
Gla i deg!
hae? de var jo akkurat sammen, tsah potah izany e! naa ble jeg lei meg!
Hvor har du hørt det???
Hei på du Kristin!
Ser ut for at du har det strålande bra der borte, og det er bra! Gøy å følge litt med : )
Du er gull, Gud velsigne deg og arbeidet du gjør!
Hei kjære deg!
Tusen takk for koselig brev!!! Da ble jeg glad da! Gøy å lese hva du driver med og se de fine bildene! Elin og Sindre var så fine atte! Du og Karianne også:)
Mandrapihaona! Amin'ny manaraka!
har hørt det fra toky selv. det er kjempesynd!
Hei Kristin!
Gøy å lese om dine krumspring både her og der! Håper du har det fint i London. Det hadde vært gøy å ta en tur over og se hvordan du har det "inside the golden circle". Vi i Region Agder er stolte over at en herfra er med som U-turner. Ha det fint!
Jeg leser egentlig til eksamen, men det er så mye annet som frister mye, mye mer... Håper alt er bra med deg i London! Jeg skal skrive brev! Glad i deg!
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