In my blog description i wrote that i will share my ups and downs, well i haven't really been doing that.... For a time now i have felt like I've been waiting for the sun to come out. Things hasn't been great i must say, but finally the the biggest and darkest clouds are letting a few more rays of light through to my grey mood!! I think the clouds are filled with a dash of homesickness, a lot of missing Madagascar, a spoon full of both reverse cultural shock and fresh cultural shock. All of this mixed together can make you a bit down. But, i am starting to see the light in the end of the tunnel, at least the hope that it exists, so i'm ok really:)
I will continue to update, both fun things and not so fun things!
(By the way, the picture is taken by my brother, love ya bro!)
Stil mild, but very nice and brave!
Thanks Rada!
Hei du!
Annie er koselig. Har sett den filmen mange, mange ganger. På internatet i 3. klasse lekte vi at vi var de barna på barnehjem:)Også var en hun slemme "miss Hannigan" som gikk og tråkket på oss andre når vi lå og sov...
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