Seeing i've restarted this blog about a thousand times, i am now very much in doubt wether it would be worth trying it out one more time.... I don't think anyone checks it anymore, so it wouldn't be as much for other people as for myself.
I've looked briefly at some of my oldest posts, and it's so funny!! It has a nice picture "diaryish" feel and I find it very amuzing to read it again:)
Since I'll be going back to uni. in two weeks time, i think it would be good to have somewhere to let out steam and just babble on about serious, but mostly unserious stuff. I will reconsider wether it is best to "leave and let die" or if I should wipe the dust of my "bubble" yet another time.
If you, whomever you might be, have anything to say about it, please let me know! You'll probably be the only one, hehe:)
velkommen i klubben. Ikke spørr hvor mange ganger bloggen har blitt restartet fra min side heller. synes det er bra du forsetter jeg. en fin måte å holde seg oppdatert på fronten din. Nyt sommeren kristiin
ÅÅÅ så gøy med liv på denne bloggen igjen!! Fortsett med det. Det er jo ein veldig fin måte for meg og holde meg oppdatert på livet ditt! Hatt ein fin sommer?
Så koselig at noen har vært her!!! Marianne, fytti, det er lenge siden!
Og bm, savner deg!! har hatt det veldig bra, men det skal bli godt å bo i kr.sand igjen. Gleder meg til å lære nye ting!
Allright, jeg starter bloggen, igjen, hehe:)
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