The same week we also started a scout group for the Norwegian children. There had been one many years ago, but it had been dead for a while. We had so much fun in our specialmade uniforms!! :)
Have been missing Madagascar a lot lately, probably because I know it will still be a long time until I'll be able to go back and visit.. I miss the everyday life, going to the market, talking to people in the streets, the Norwegian children, the Malagasy children on the church school, all the laughter and smiles that were so real even though many had so little. We have so much to learn, I have so much to learn. I sit here thinking i'm a poor student!! I really am ashamed of myself, and we all should be!! One of the worst moments in my life was having to leave Madagascar in a hurry at Christmas time. Coming from people who never knew if they would have food for the next day or clothes for the cold nights, to people in big airports with so many bags of stuff that they couldn't even carry it!! It just made me sick and tears were streaming, I felt so lost, so hurt and so ashamed of my own culture.
Looking back at it now, the worst thing is that shortly after returning home for good, i slipped straight back into old habits.. If only we were as good at doing good acts as talking about them....
Heisann Kristiiin:) Koselig å titte innom bloggen din, her var det mye nytt siden jeg var her sist. Lykke til med sykepleien, jeg heier på deg :)
hallo søs såå gøy at du har starta og skrive. har netopp oppfatta det går litt seint med enkelte ting. e så gla at du trives i kristiansand og du liker deg. Jeg savner joggeturene våre:-)) kjempegla i deg vi snakkes
åh, savn!
jeg vil tilbake! nå! :[
Så koselig med kommentarer!!
Marie, ALT for lenge siden!!!
Martha, tena fantako kia!! Malahelo anao malahelo ny fitia, malhelo foana.. .. Hehehe:) klem
åh, ikke få meg til å grin da! den sangen er jo så fiiiiiiin *sukk*
tokony tonga aty ianao kia de i tsiky koa fa tena te hahita anareo aho! ;)
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