Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A small break

Hello all beloved readers!

If you are one of the few "regulars" on this site, then thank you! I just have to tell all of you that i'm taking a little blog break. There are a lot of things going on right now. But, give me a couple of weeks and i'll be back in business!! There might be some big news.

Take care!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Another thursday

Hello again everyone!

Yes, it's thursday again and that means some "blogging" time. The thing is that i've spent it all on skyping, so i won't have time to tell you much of this weeks great adventures. Oh, what a pity...

I've talked to my lovely niese and nephew today, i love them so much!!! I just had to show you this picture my brother sent me a copuple of weeks ago. They always fall asleep in the car in all sort of "comfortable" postitions. When i talked to them today they were all cuddled upp in front of the tv looking at the six o'clock childrens show, eating cake. They said they miss me, but i have a feeling i miss them a bit more here i sit all alone:)

I also talked to Kathrine Brun, haven't spoken to her in ages. She's a pupil at the Norwegian School in Madgascar where i worked last year. We had a lot of fun so it was great talking to her again!

I am trying to think of news to tell you, but i think i'm gonna save it for next week. But, i tell you, i will have some big news next week, they're just not ready for publicing yet. So, "stay tuned!" as they say, hehe!

I think that's it! I should do some work now.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Today (i'm not good at headlines)

It's been four hours since i got out of bed, took a shower, ate my burnt toast (so English) and started walking towards the always overloaded morning bus to Brentford (yes, where i work). Walking to the bus is how i wake up. Step by step i open my eyes a bit more and try to get my brain over on more important thoughts than my lovely warm bed and why i burnt the toast, again.
After a 15 min walk i reached the bus, i got to sit today!!! After spending about 30 minutes on what should take 10, i reached Brentford. Today me, my team mate Miko and a nice lady called Maria had the School Assembly. We talked about believing in God and keep asking him about things, even though you wake up and there is still no Pony in the garden (i checked every morning). I think the kids liked it. Being young and new you're quite interesting compared to a lot of teachers and other people they see all the time. So, they cut you some slack and listen. Well, i liked it and hope i get to it again soon.

Right now I'm waiting for the Open House Cafe to open. Then I'll be smiling behind the counter going: "How can I help you, love? Would you like some carrots? Beans? Would you like some drops on gravy on that, sir?" I do this every thursday, you meet a lot of nice people.

Later today i'm going to a Deanery Youth conference. I don't really know what it is, but i do think it will be exiting. I hope to make some good notes and return with a bunch of ideas.

Another day in London!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

My week

Some of you might have understood that i've had some task which hasn't been very exiting, at least for me. But, from this week i've got some new things, Hurrah!
So, let me fill you in!

Monday: I work at the "Genesis project". My task is to look after cute kids while their parents study. They're from six months old, i love it!
Tuesday: Team day! The team get together for bible studies, prayer and just hanging around sharing ups, downs and challenges. We have a great time together!
Wednesday: I work in the parish of St. Philip's and St. James with Hildegunn in Whitton. Again, lovely kids! We play and entertain while their mummies talk and do a "family time" course. In the evening i go to "fellowship group" at St. Paul's, it's quite good! I'm hoping that some more people will join us.
Thursday: My only day of serving in the Open House Cafe. There is also a school assembly which we go to. In the evening it's Alfa, i serve and do the washing up.
Friday: DAY OFF!!!
Saturday: DAY OFF!!/tasks that need to be done.
Sunday: Sunday school and the Young People's group (the YP's).

So, that's my week, pretty full eh? I like it!


Greetings! I know i just told you it's autumn, i take it back, it's winter! Right now i thank my parents for sending me the wool hats, socks and sweaters, 'cause it's COLD! Well, at least for me who skipped last year's winter and enjoyed the summer in Madagascar.
To get to work in Brentford i have two options (if you take away the bike, yes i am lazy). I can either take two buses, which takes ages 'cause of the traffic and the fact that it's longer, or i can take one bus. But, one bus equals a walk for about 15-20 minutes both ways... Because of the lack of training and my addiction to chocolate i usually go for the walk and one bus. So, on my way to fellowship group last night, i put on wool from top til toe, and thank God i did! You see, after the walk i sat down and waited for the bus which usually takes about 12 minutes. I waited, waited and waited... it took almost 50 minutes!!! I tell you, i was shaking pretty hard when the bus finally got there. There had been some problems down town where it came from. I just say "fotoana gasy", which means "Malagasy time".
Lats just hope there won't be consequences like a cold....